Career strategies for nomad talent
Dubai & Online

Working with one of our highly experienced career coaches, our outplacement coaching programmes are tailored to the requirements of the individual and organisation, but will typically include the following:
Career review and analysis
Assessing career capital, key skills, experience
Undertaking psychometrics where appropriate
Exploring career options and/or alternative ways of working
Making informed decisions about next career move
Devising a practical career action plan for next job and beyond
Marketing your skills to employers
Locating where the target jobs are – both advertised and unadvertised
Creating CVs, covering letters, application forms which will be short-listed
Rehearsing for interviews, presentations and networking, using video as appropriate
Managing the recruitment agency/headhunter relationship
Developing an on-line presence to enhance visibility
Salary negotiation
Settling into the new job
Or Self-employment
Practical help in setting up own business
Consultancy advice on business development